Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Trojans To Face Hungerford, August 1, 1961

Sports Staff
Daily Commercial
August 1, 1961

Coach H. O. Dabney and his staff will place their lighting Trojans on the home gridiron next Thursday at 8 p.m. to face the Hungerford Bobcats. The place for the Initial home game Is the beautiful Venetian Gardens.

Graduation took some key men like Hannah and Hawkins away. We hope to see Richard Davis, Robert Brown, Foy Robinson and many others fighting hard for "dear ole Carver".
In addition . to the game, Jesse Holliman and his marching Trojans
will be seen in one of their performances that it always enjoyed.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Carver Heights Homecoming Queen Selected, November 7, 1961

Sports Staff
Daily Commercial
Tuesday, November 7, 1961

LEESBURG - Tonight at 8 in the Carver Heights High School cafetorium Ruth Dunbar, a junior, will be crowned "Miss Homecoming Queen."

Mrs. Mary B. Davis, sponsor of class 11-2, with the help of her students, was successful in raising the largest amount of money in the senior high department.

Members of the royal court will include Miss Junior High, Trojan's Sweetheart and Miss New Homemakers of America.

Homecoming festivities are scheduled throughout the week. Homecoming Day is Thursday.

Thursday night the Carver Trojans meet the Apopka High eleven at Venetian Gardens in the Homecoming game.

Game time is 8 p.m.