Wednesday, June 17, 2020

C.H.H.S. COACH RESPECTED, February 19, 1958

By Jesse Pearl Glymp
The Daily Commercial
Wednesday, February 19, 1958
Updated: Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 7:11 a.m.

Coach H. O. Dabney has won the esteem of the Leesburg people for his outstanding achievements in the field of athletics at Carver Heights High School.

Coach Dabney, son of the late J. M. Dabney, for whom the elementary school (Dabney Elementary) was named, received his training in the elementary school of Leesburg, Lincoln School in Gainesville, and Xavier University of New Orleans, La.

His first teaching experiences were in the Sumter County schools. In 1949, he came to Leesburg and assumed the duties of athletic director, Coach and English instructor. From the time of his coming, the athletic department has taken on new life and he has produced winning teams in both football and basketball.

Coach Dabney is the husband of Mrs. R. B. Dabney and the father of little Debra O’donna Dabney. They reside at 411 East Main St.

He, his coaching staff, and the Carver Heights family will serve as host to the Western Division Group 1V, Class B Tournament from Feb. 27-March 1. Schools in this district include Carver Heights High School, Leesburg; J.R.E. Lee High, Wildwood; B. T. Mills High, Webster: and Moton High, Brooksville.

This article was provided by Gerald Lacey
Gerald Lacey is the senior sports writer covering Leesburg High School Sports for the Carver Heights Quarterback Club. You can reach him

Friday, June 12, 2020

Trojans To Meet Cocoa Here Tonight, Thursday, December 8, 1957

By Jesse Pearl Glymp
The Daily Commercial
Thursday, December 8, 1957
Updated: Friday, June 12, 2020, 9:24 a.m.

The Carver Heights high school Trojans will make their final appearance tonight at the Venetian Gardens when they take on the Monroe high school Cats of Cocoa in a conference game for both schools.

As of today, the Trojans are on top in the Central Florida Athletic conference with a four and nothing record and Cocoa and Hungerford are tied for second spot with an identical record of three wins and one loss.

A loss for the Trojans tonight would upset their apple cart and knock them out of another championship year. On the other hand, should the Trojans be successful, they will be the only school in the conference ever to have won the championship trophy twice.

Coach Dabney feels the boys have an added incentive to win because the Trojans Quarterback Club have promised them a trip to the Orange Blossom Classic in Miami which matches Florida A. & M. University against an outstanding opponent. The Trojans Marching Band will feature a half time show centered around the Christmas season. Joining the Trojans Band will be the “Cats” Band from Cocoa. 

Kick-off time is 8 P.M.

This article was provided by Gerald Lacey
Gerald Lacey is the senior sports writer covering Leesburg High School Sports for the Carver Heights Quarterback Club. You can reach him at:

TROJANS LAST GAME OF SEASON, Wednesday, December 4, 1957

By Jesse Pearl Glymp
The Daily Commercial
Wednesday, December 4, 1957
Updated: Friday, June 12, 2020, 7:16 a.m.

The mighty Trojans will meet the Cocoa High School Team, Thursday, December 5, 1957 at 8 P.M. at the Venetian Gardens Ball Park. This will be the last game of the season for the Trojans. This game will determine if the Trojans will second-year Champs of this district. Everyone is invited to come out and see the Trojans in action for the last time this football season. The band and chorus are preparing for their Christmas Program. They will present “Christmas in Music.”

This article was provided by Gerald Lacey
Gerald Lacey is the senior sports writer covering Leesburg High School Sports for the Carver Heights Quarterback Club. You can reach him at: